Sunday, September 16, 2007

The National Scribe Post.

Hey there, it's Kasia's turn! So on friday we walked into our physics class to a surprise unlike any other, Mrs. Kozoriz was missing! Fortunately we had a sub who gave us a multiple of names to call him by, such as, Mr. Reimer, Kelly, Kelly R., R-Kelly. Then he proceeded to give us our assignment for the day. We were to read pages 232 7.1 and 234-37 7.3 from the duck book. That, of course, didn't take all period so we were to do questions 1-3 on page 237, 1-3 on page 266 and 18-20 on page 267, that did take up the whole class. One question in general seemed to be giving the majority of the class the most trouble and that was question 2 on page 237. So that is a heads up to anyone coughMrs.K.cough who missed that day and might feel that the question might need going over on Monday. Basically that was the class in a nutshell guys.
And now the moment you've all been waiting for.....the next scribe is............................................................KIM!

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