Wednesday, September 12, 2007

RELATIVE MOTION in Two Dimensions

TODAY, we went over the questions 37 - 42 from the textbook. There were some discussions about each question and the method used to come up with the right answer. Designing the diagram was a bit of a problem for some and that sort of messed up some people's answers. See slides posted by Mrs. Kozoriz to view the solutions and answers.

After that, we were given another sheet to work on. I'm sure you all have it so I'm just going to post the right answers I took down.

1.a) 8660 km
b) 5000 km
2) 192 Newtons
3) 326 Newtons
4) 192 seconds
5.a) 20.6 m/s
14 degrees South of East
b) 5.0 seconds
c) 25 meters

1) 165 m, 40 degrees South of West
2) 240 m/s, 28 degrees North of East
3) 34 m/s, 33 degrees North of East
4) 10 Newtons, 0 degrees
5.a) 105 Newtons at 93 degrees
b) 105 Newtons at 273 degrees

For some reason, everyone thought we could leave as i left for bathroom!!! Sorry, Mrs. Kozoriz!
DON'T FORGET TO STUDY FOR THE TEST TOMORROW! aaaaannnnddddd... the next scribe is CRAIG!

1 comment:

«Craig» said...

I told you not to pick me... oh well.

Sorry guys but I get off work at 11:00PM tomorrow evening. So I'm fine with doing it then, as long as you guys are fine with it not being up till about midnight... OR you can choose someone else and I'll do the scribe for Friday's class... either way, it's fine with me =)